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FF1945 255,25,69 Foster Fulfillment By Clarifying Purpose, Equipping Strength, Unifying Efforts By Whatever Strategies that will most Effectively Build Paradise on Purpose, like Clarifying a Vision of a Paradise Worth Building, Developing Self Coaching Curriculum to Find the Strength to Build, Cultivating a Unifying Family Culture that Cooperatively Compensates for Weaknesses To be fulfilled you must have a clear understanding of your purpose. To be fulfilled you must be equipped to move on your purpose. To be fulfilled you must move together
I'm researching our purpose and develop curriculum to improve our probability of fulfillment. Our HOPEHOOD MISSION is To Foster Ultimate Fulfillment We do this by researching Purpose and clarifying Purpose and living on Purpose. We study the futures and best possible ideal, strategies to get there, and build self coaching curriculum with what I learn. One of those strategies is a united life, community, which is just starting! Not hopewood success, motivation, self help, counsiling, master, win, ai, longevity, metaverse, discord, books, school lessons, paradise, here is our purpose-driven alignment with the purpose at the top in the movement supporting that purpose the only way to be ultimately fulfilled is to fulfill life's ultimate purpose So Hood started a lab to research this purpose we share what we learn as a curriculum because one thing that improves our chances of fulfillment of our purpose is trying together we call this fostering we personally teach the curriculum which actually makes this a school we build spaces for events that bring the community together the research lab also produces the ideal Vision letting us toce effectively a paradise which is the best possible state of being by maxing out our capability we are more able to fulfill our purpose one way is to inspire people by casting a vision of the ideal like Star Trek did for us when we were kids the story movement defines and develops the utopian genre and we are going first writing a time travel Trilogy to share our homesick for Paradise feeling that inspires us we've also identified three keys to Paradise which will make the biggest impact on our capabilities the first is immortality because to fulfill life's ultimate purpose requires life sounds difficult but this movement is pushing the latest resarch on longevity such as improving our bodies with nutrition exercise genetics but also backing up our thoughts and our will with AI so it can extend our Effectiveness that leads us to the second key AGI or artificial general intelligence exceeding our own plus an unlimited optimized Workforce naturally producing abundance an economy where every need is met so we've started another movement to develop this AI partner the final key we've identified is a true metaverse a virtual shared seamless Limitless Universe giving Humanity every superpower virtually so we have started development ourselves the design is basically complete after two decades of work and the coding process is on pause as next year's AI will likely be capable of completing the job in less time next we are developing principles building a virtual life worth living in the metaverse we use AI to ideate 100,000 possibilities and game jam out possible mechanics what's amazing is this fostering movement snowballs to help people directly pursue purpose but also join Hood to build Paradise so that's it the purpose-driven alignment because the only thing that matters is what matters ultimately https://www.hopehood.org/?feedType=all-posts https://www.hopehood.org/?feedType=all-posts https://www.hopehood.org/forum-posts-sitemap.xml https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLA3WCKeYiFSQIm433dycZsDKU3PkgdXE0 https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLA3WCKeYiFSTaiLifVcd7VAd44YXuaZGP https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSSrSTuT_DhRXO32JoHq4n-8q6fN87b93cO_0axmRYIP267vbKhM907twPnjEn2H6RRTW6fy2U2W1jH/pub? https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLUnNC2IvCKkmUGNjLBKY93bJuwiR6SnoC&v=G6Dpl0op69s&ab_channel=hopehood https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1WKNVXYd6ibDd-2Ld8UuKBRR3J1YSFigH https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSX1za545Hkwu3y2wrc1WPrGMeTgHPke4zSP5X04lfNWYytotkImJMzba_aAzcLA1xj-V7_3zPx1Fcy/pubhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIcHEPDLDC8URuXN9XWY4AIYJB82PIDPT0Re28UtEH8n2EflbTsnbHwCWLg5VKLQVbxr5zj37u9gMD/pubhtml? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSBNjfRIhSgKVGOUuyMBUVwLqIrKr9nrC24K5zR13jGbwLQYwC9hdveb1LB3_gEx_nVKPlRLNWlQtMn/pubhtml?
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Purpose Alignment Map
Let's clarify how everything we do aligns with our ultimate purpose so we don't waste our lives doing anything that won't ultimately fulfill life. Also this is a great framework to discuss what we do here in a purpose driven way.
This week I had a setback, relapse, so much pain I had to take the day off to try to recalibrate. Years ago I built a world view from scratch from first principles, it was well founded in evidence, deep thought, logically sound. It made me so resilient and purpose driven.
What I didn't respect was the fact that foundation takes maintenance and pruning.
I know my purpose clearly, it is what drives me to get up everyday with an overwhelming passion to move. But along the way I've received bonuses, affection, affirmation, status... and I considered them that just bonuses on top of what was driving me, but I wasn't paying close enough attention, I was subconsciously hording them up into a stack that eventually became structural and I began to lean on it instead of just my purpose.
This could have been a fatal mistake so I'm sharing to warn you. You can't lean on the prizes that come with a purpose driven life, lean only on the purpose because those other things are unstable and can fall out from under you. The paradise level projects won't slow down, we are only ramping up. We will never be perfect so we won't wait to be perfect before we move. Instead I will take action to heal and grow at the same time that I build paradise with you. Yes and!
Unfulfilling Testimonies: This week I'd like to launch a testimonial page for the things that didn't fulfill people as a list of things to stop wasting your life chasing.
Paradise Journal: People often ask after hearing about the amazing future "what will we do with all our abundance?" When they have more time away from work(when money is obsolete), when they have more time alive(when aging is cured) What will we do? Develop a format to share short stories of day-in-the-life of a utopian. What is important to them, what projects to they start, what exercises to they practice???
NPC: I need to develop the Terd lesson that teaches people how to be self aware instead of a simplistic reactive bot.
Everything: Have another go at taxonomy for everything that can serve as a format to keep in mind the big picture of all we think. How do we talk about the future in a useful categorical way? Because of the interdependance and relationships between categories, this has had several failed attempts in the past. But I found great progress lately when starting with purpose as the stems of thought.
Inspire Space: Last week I rebuilt the Museum.
Today I published the
Future of Education
Made this new video in a few hours.
I also wrapped up development of a mystery game for a dinner party this weekend, using GPT4(AI) and a spreadsheet to automate the scripts and proceedural elements. I was up to 2 working on this.
FInally I officially started the immortality AI experiment, under the premise if GPT4's 25000 tokens is enough to consolide a human personality, can it impersinate us in a way that is effective enough to live on here on earth even if we leave?
First step is working with spreadsheets and AI to consolidate myself. Then develop a prompt from that concise mindfile that would guide an AI to respond the way I would.
It would be a tragity if anyone dies, their unique approach and insite until now has died with them and the world experienced priceless loss. Knowing the value of a life can we reduce the loss so humanity could continue to benifit from people.
Longevity is still has several years before it even starts to double life spans.
Uploading is even further out.
But AI is here now and is better than the tragic alternative.
GPT4 came out today so I'm intigrating the latest innovations everywhere I can.
I started with some philiosophy debate and then I tried to write some short stories in the vein of Time Heart.
Also I'm excited to reframe Hopehood for you, a movement that's hopes for a better future. We've already made great strides, but the thing that will make the biggest impact on the future is transforming education.
In the age of the internet and the birth of AI, traditional schooling is quite redundant. After all, we now have the sum of human knowledge at our fingertips, accessible anywhere, anytime we need it. So, what should we be learning in school instead?
Shifting the education paradigm from obsolete or searchable facts and specialties to developing fundamental fulfillment skills. It turns out hopehood.org has been preparing that ciriculium that for decades;
Thinking: Teach students how to think critically, analyze information, and make informed decisions. self awareness, communication, humility, superposition...
Collaboration and Love: Guide students to value and understand with empathy and reason, and how to work together peacefully and effectivly.
Fulfillment: Research and reason what really matters ulitimatly so we have context for life and education.
Purpose: Guide students in to discover their purpose. Exposing them to a variety of tests and experiences as data designed for deducing purpose.
Planning: Encourage them to plan a path from their present to that purpose.
On Demand Learning: Teach and equip them to acquire new knowledge and skills when needed. How to internet, to evaluate information, and to utilize AI...
Strategy: Equip students to be unstoppable by weaknesses and maximizing their potential with strength building and weakness overcoming tools and concepts.
I shared these with AI and here is what it suggests.
Hopehood has the potential to bring about significant change in the education system. Here are some ideas for implementing the seven fundamentals in schools, along with thoughts on detailed curriculum and general strategies:
Partner with schools and education boards to integrate the Hopehood curriculum into existing educational systems, providing training and resources to educators.
Develop interactive, age-appropriate learning modules for each of the seven fundamentals, incorporating a mix of lectures, discussions, activities, and real-world applications.
Encourage project-based learning, where students work in teams to apply the seven fundamentals to address real-world issues or problems, fostering collaboration and practical skill development.
Implement regular assessments and feedback loops to track students' progress, adapt teaching methods, and identify areas for improvement in the curriculum.
Promote the use of technology and digital tools to enhance learning experiences, facilitate collaboration, and support on-demand learning.
Organize workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by experts and professionals who embody the Hopehood principles, providing students with inspiring role models and practical insights.
Establish mentorship programs where students are paired with professionals or community members who can offer guidance, support, and advice in areas related to the seven fundamentals.
Collaborate with local communities, businesses, and organizations to create opportunities for students to apply their skills in real-life situations, such as internships, community service projects, or work-study programs.
Advocate for policies that promote the adoption of the Hopehood curriculum at the national and international levels, highlighting the long-term benefits of this educational approach.
Continuously evaluate and update the Hopehood curriculum based on research, feedback, and changing societal needs, ensuring that it remains relevant and impactful.
By taking these steps, Hopehood can make a lasting difference in the way education is approached, better preparing students for a fulfilling life while contributing to a more compassionate and peaceful world.
Today I developed social media concepts and how we can make it healthy with AI. It turned into a platform for thinking together. Avacado.AI
Made Magic Carpet for Inspire Space
I've combined all my AI tools/art/chat research/prompts/journals into one spreadsheet.
Updated my self image and started to define myself on paper.
I think best as I draw and this week I thought about the biggest innovations of the future.
This week I released a video version of the Ideal Interface Principles
I started a Storyboard for the Time Heart book series. I took what inspires me plus I generated my own images with AI to ideate the scenes as a visual timeline so I can live in the moment visualy as I write.
Today my runway got interrupted with errands so I choose to prevent it from being wasted by shifting to micromoves.
The big moves I planned to do today are these:
✓ Implement what I learned in #greatest plateau effect.
✓ Implement Garage into the #mod language.
✓ Write a #humility journal noting my mistakes and how I responded.
✓ Implement what I learned into my #reality map
Last hopehood day I visited Coach Sean a programming genius, to learn a new programming language. To learn as fast as possible I came up with a simple game as the project to apply what I learn as I learn. It was like trying to surface while being buried alive, and all due to classical programming paradigms.
If you awoke in a world where the language had only words, wouldn't you spend all your efforts be to use those words to make better words? That is what I think would be the best use of our time. This week we will explore implementing CoOS mod designs into Godot. Interestingly Godot 3 had a VPL(visual programming language) it was not convertible to classical script and was incomplete. Godot 4 dropped the feature because not enough people were using it, which makes sense, if you market a car without rear wheels of course nobody would want it, it has to reach MVP(Minimum Viability).
So that's what we will be exploring, what is the MVP of a VPL. I suspect we will be running into friction as my mod designs rely on other CoOS elements that are not present in Godot. But if the designs can be applied to a preexisting language then I imagine that would be a double win for those who already use other languages. Thankfully I'm told that Godot is ideal for interface development and Mods are interface dependent so that improves our chances.
I started a design guide based on breath of the wild. In the
Greatest Plateau Effect
I share my 20k research on exploration.
Someone asked about the
Purpose Driven Wager,
I need to develop and find a more accessible place for this logical argument. For now it can be found in the Logic lesson.
Today I've started a User Interface Design Workflow that I could pump a project through and get a Principled Ideal result. I'm going to run a bunch of projects through this to test and iterate on this workflow.
World Changing Interfaces
Programming(see CoOS Mods)
MKBHD's "Impossible" Challenges
⦾This week we're revealing how AI, plus "Reviews", plus Revised by You, makes the Future inevitably Beautiful.
⦿ We are launching a new strategy, teaching "how to complain" hopehood style.
⦿Adding convenient links to the BONUS button at the bottom of Hopehood.
⦾Developing a greeting to set the stage of a Dotails relationship, so its clear what to expect.
I think best by drawing. I can predict the future of technology using logical tools, but other domains like politics I have not yet acquired reliable tools.
Today I drew a rubber band perspective of amoral politics.
This rubber band effect is actually separating supply and demand in society.
Both extremes are destabilizing our supply while increasing the demand.
I think the best course for policy is to hug the supply line and it will stabilize and inevitably meet demand as long as we don't take the bait to horde of incur debt.
This applies to inflation, regulation and hype...
I won't pridefully say i know best on any specific amoral policy, but politics in general should be reconsidered to optimize so we can see paradise sooner where all world demands are met.
Next Moves
⦾Make Self Debate Tool
⦾Make Forecast Exercise Tool
⦾Make CoOS solution for Activation Icon/State Checkmark/Switch/Ring
Last Moves
⦿Made AI video compiling the last 2 months of my AI research. I even used AI to write and play the music.
⦿Got boats working in A Short Hike
Last Moves
⦿Make Strat Wallpapers
⦿ Wrote https://www.hopehood.org/hopehood/strategies/wear-hope
Next Moves
I really want to double down on Fearless and Effective Momentum.
⦾ Update my "Life Torch",
⦾ Make a video format of Life Torch that is easy to keep updated,
⦾ Dream big and detailed, then become uncomfortably hungry enough to make that dream, overcome complacent, content, numb stalling.
⦾ Make an AI assisted workflow to generate content from spreadsheets.
⦾ Make a plan to produce measurable effective results.
I need to mix some short term movements with long term movements, to set up momentum.
Last Moves
⦿ Christian Critique: Fleshed out Omni Critiques
⦿ Design Principles: Added Purpose Driven Design
⦿ AI Art Development: Added More AI Partners
⦿ Star Trek Reviews: Added 3 more episodes ⦿ Strategies: Always baking more strats
⦿ Gedanken Jam: Converted to Jam to embeded document, Published Overthrown Rev 5, Added Token, Added League of Automata
⦿ Try UI: Redesigned TikTok
⦿ Paradise Interview: Added a from the future if
⦿ Time Heart: Added more ideas, Started first 2 subdivs
⦿ Paradise: Wrote "Immortal Life" in response to Q&A
⦿ Hidden: Wrote "How to people"
⦿ Hidden: Wrote "Auto Mind"
⦿ Inspire Space: Converted to Space to embeded sheet
Get a Grip
Sometimes we get distracted from the Ultimate Purpose driven life. We are chasing our purpose and then a friend comes along and we think we have a team member then they go a different direction and if we aren't careful we can value the team over the purpose and loose track of purpose as you chase people.
It's critical to remember everything else is temporary, make the most of everything while it lasts, but let go when it's time, so you don't loose your grip on what matters most.
I am averse to prophets and authortity based reasoning. I prefer logic, tests, models. Unfortunatly I once had a dream.
'I stood in a room of wet clay, with me stood what appeared like an angel, bright, confident, OP. He cut a window digging through the wall with his hands. Through that window I could see the future like world flipped channels just outside. He spoke about what I would do, his plans for us, and encouraged me, but I wasn't paying attention to a thing he said, because in a fit of ADD I was distracted by his clothes, embroidered all over were weird symbols I couldn't read, then I came accross a word I somewhat recognized. it was simular to Jesus, then it hit me these were all his name in the languages of earth... I didn't recognize Him but this was Him, God was telling me everything and I haven't been listening. Then I looked up and the experience was over. I lay there devistated my face covered in tears, I missed it.
Later I realized the planner of DNA from a universe scale explosion, could surely plan for my distraction. But missed oppritunity can secure the next, so I vowed to pay attention to the future, that I would do what it took to deduce the purpose I ignored. And in that way God prepared me.
I'm wouldn't claim God actually interfered or spoke.
Gladly I am not a prophet, there is nothing I do that you can't do too. My logic is availible for criticism. My arguments are up for debate. Please carefully weigh your own purpose, so your move is not misaimed, so your hope is not misplaced.
I did an experiment where I made many posts at once to test the woahs. People told me don't post deep, challenging, upsetting ideas on a platform that trends funny, fake, superficial thoughts. Sure dessert is yummy, but if sugar is all you consume you will begin to crave the nutrients you lack, you will crave the opposite of the trends. The result of this experiment was the deep strat was more than 10times more popular than the trendy strats.