FF1945 255,25,69 Foster Fulfillment By Clarifying Purpose, Equipping Strength, Unifying Efforts By Whatever Strategies that will most Effectively Build Paradise on Purpose, like Clarifying a Vision of a Paradise Worth Building, Developing Self Coaching Curriculum to Find the Strength to Build, Cultivating a Unifying Family Culture that Cooperatively Compensates for Weaknesses To be fulfilled you must have a clear understanding of your purpose. To be fulfilled you must be equipped to move on your purpose. To be fulfilled you must move together
I'm researching our purpose and develop curriculum to improve our probability of fulfillment. Our HOPEHOOD MISSION is To Foster Ultimate Fulfillment We do this by researching Purpose and clarifying Purpose and living on Purpose. We study the futures and best possible ideal, strategies to get there, and build self coaching curriculum with what I learn. One of those strategies is a united life, community, which is just starting! Not hopewood success, motivation, self help, counsiling, master, win, ai, longevity, metaverse, discord, books, school lessons, paradise, here is our purpose-driven alignment with the purpose at the top in the movement supporting that purpose the only way to be ultimately fulfilled is to fulfill life's ultimate purpose So Hood started a lab to research this purpose we share what we learn as a curriculum because one thing that improves our chances of fulfillment of our purpose is trying together we call this fostering we personally teach the curriculum which actually makes this a school we build spaces for events that bring the community together the research lab also produces the ideal Vision letting us toce effectively a paradise which is the best possible state of being by maxing out our capability we are more able to fulfill our purpose one way is to inspire people by casting a vision of the ideal like Star Trek did for us when we were kids the story movement defines and develops the utopian genre and we are going first writing a time travel Trilogy to share our homesick for Paradise feeling that inspires us we've also identified three keys to Paradise which will make the biggest impact on our capabilities the first is immortality because to fulfill life's ultimate purpose requires life sounds difficult but this movement is pushing the latest resarch on longevity such as improving our bodies with nutrition exercise genetics but also backing up our thoughts and our will with AI so it can extend our Effectiveness that leads us to the second key AGI or artificial general intelligence exceeding our own plus an unlimited optimized Workforce naturally producing abundance an economy where every need is met so we've started another movement to develop this AI partner the final key we've identified is a true metaverse a virtual shared seamless Limitless Universe giving Humanity every superpower virtually so we have started development ourselves the design is basically complete after two decades of work and the coding process is on pause as next year's AI will likely be capable of completing the job in less time next we are developing principles building a virtual life worth living in the metaverse we use AI to ideate 100,000 possibilities and game jam out possible mechanics what's amazing is this fostering movement snowballs to help people directly pursue purpose but also join Hood to build Paradise so that's it the purpose-driven alignment because the only thing that matters is what matters ultimately https://www.hopehood.org/?feedType=all-posts https://www.hopehood.org/?feedType=all-posts https://www.hopehood.org/forum-posts-sitemap.xml https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLA3WCKeYiFSQIm433dycZsDKU3PkgdXE0 https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLA3WCKeYiFSTaiLifVcd7VAd44YXuaZGP https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSSrSTuT_DhRXO32JoHq4n-8q6fN87b93cO_0axmRYIP267vbKhM907twPnjEn2H6RRTW6fy2U2W1jH/pub? https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLUnNC2IvCKkmUGNjLBKY93bJuwiR6SnoC&v=G6Dpl0op69s&ab_channel=hopehood https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1WKNVXYd6ibDd-2Ld8UuKBRR3J1YSFigH https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSX1za545Hkwu3y2wrc1WPrGMeTgHPke4zSP5X04lfNWYytotkImJMzba_aAzcLA1xj-V7_3zPx1Fcy/pubhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIcHEPDLDC8URuXN9XWY4AIYJB82PIDPT0Re28UtEH8n2EflbTsnbHwCWLg5VKLQVbxr5zj37u9gMD/pubhtml? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSBNjfRIhSgKVGOUuyMBUVwLqIrKr9nrC24K5zR13jGbwLQYwC9hdveb1LB3_gEx_nVKPlRLNWlQtMn/pubhtml?
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Live Updates
Here are all the Inspirations in the Space, plus Inspirations in Progress.
Mostly I'm inspired by Robots, but there is a Bonus tab which includes Mcguffins, Vehicles, and even Characters.
70+ Guests
Magic Carpet
Just finished him &can't look away.
Wall-E & Eve
Andrew (Bicentennial Man)
Stark AI
When Ultron attacked Jarvis, Tony Stark needed another AI to replace him in his suit. He shuffled through these memory cards and we see see some familiar names including Tadashi from Big Hero Six and Daryl from War Games.
Probably the most recognizable reliable robot ever, R2 stays focused and doesn't give up. He is packed full of tools and bravery. He's the one you'd want to take on your next adventure.
B1 Farmer Battle Droid
Starwars is packed full of mistreated conscious droids, so it's nice to see a droid overcome his programming and live. Once upon a comic book an emperial battle droid hit his head and became capable of defecting from his warrior directives and took up farming instead.
Artificial Life Music
In Doctor Who, "The Time of the Doctor" a reprogrammed cyberman head without organic components or killy protocalls, became the 11th doctors artificial life companion.
One time he teleported the doctor onto a cyberman ship with his cyberman head in hand, and then teleported him onto a darlek ship with a darlek eye in hand. It's like he was trying to get the doctor killed, yet the doctor empathised with him hitting handles and saying "Ow!" on his behalf.
DOCTOR: remind me I've got to patch the telephone back through the console unit. This is getting ridiculous."
HANDLES: Attention. Information available.
HANDLES: You must patch the telephone device back through the console unit.
DOCTOR: No, no. No, no, no, no. No, not now. Remind me later.
DOCTOR: I don't know. Just later. Just pick a time.
DOCTOR: I don't know. Just any old time. When you think I've forgotten.
DOCTOR: Just pick a random number, express that number as a quantity of minutes, and when that time has elapsed, remind me to patch the telephone back through the console unit.
HANDLES: Affirmative.
900 years later
DOCTOR: Right, there you go, buddy. Comfy?
HANDLES: Comfort is irrelevant.
DOCTOR: How's that, is that better?
HANDLES: Affirmative.
DOCTOR: You just take it easy, buddy. He's getting old. I do my best for him, but I just can't get the parts, you know.
HANDLES: I have developed a fault.
DOCTOR: Hey, don't you worry, Handles. you're just dreaming. The sun's coming up very soon. You just hang on in there.
HANDLES: I have developed a fault. I, I have developed a fault.
DOCTOR: Hey, Handles. Come on. Come on. One more dawn, you can do it. You've got it in you. Come on, just hang on in there.
HANDLES: Attention. Emergency. Attention.
DOCTOR: Handles, what is it? What's wrong?
HANDLES: Urgent action required. You must patch the telephone device back through the console unit.
(Handles' lights go out.)
DOCTOR: Come back. Handles? Handles. Oh. Thank you, Handles, and well done. Well done, mate.
USS Voyager
With glue and paint covered hands, I just about finished my home away from home. Growing up I was glued wednesday nights at 9, seeing the future of hope, I took my pajamas seriously, in my imagination I ran down the halls, played in the holodeck, and served as the honorary captains assistant, when I was old enough I studied starfleet science. Startrek has lost its way but my hope, brave discovery, creative innovation, and self discipline started on this ship.
Below Voyager sits the Delta Flyer my favorite shuttle, Combadges, and Mobile Emitters worn by the Doctor. Known by many names, Schweitzer, Joe, most of his career he was known by just Doctor. He was an EMH(Emergency Medical Hologram) Activated for the emergency that landed Voyager on the otherside of the galaxy, but left online as a perminant Chief Medical Officer. At first he was difficult and rude, this trait led to Starfleet replacing his brothers at home, and sending them to mine dilithium in caves, but this EMH became so much more, he improoved himself, social skills, opera, painting, programmed a family, daydreamed, and even commanded the bridge as the ECH, He made a holonovel to share what it's like to be a hologram and stand for their rights. Normally confined to a room with holoemmiters, he aquired the Mobile Emitter from the future which allowed him to leave the ship and go on so many more adventures.
In the Discovery short trek, Calypso, The ship's AI, Zora, waits abandoned for centuries, she learns, dreams, and loves, growing into a living ship. When she rescues a lost soldier they watch holographic recreations of antient movies, her favorite of which is 1957's Funny Face. The man thanks her with a dance. She tries to claim she's not a person, but she crys and learns she is.
Real life robots have character too. Spot mini at $70k+ and the priceless asimo since the year 2000 for $2.5m! Remote control, autonomous and hybrid operations like running, dancing and doing chores.
In Startrek, Noonian Soong created this android who joined starfleet and ever since tried to become more human while often being the most humane person in the episode. Data died in the Nemesis film, but in the end his brother B4 was humming what Data was known for singing. Like with his daughter Lal, Data downloaded his memory engrams to B4 but his brain was not as advanced and could not process it fully. It wasn't untill Soong transfered his brain to another android body, then traded his life, that Data was resurected. This occured in the Persistance of Memory book. Unfortunatly the woke writers of the new Picard series murdered data again pointlessly.
Memorable Moments;
Gia: "Father said she... she went to a beautiful place... where everything is peaceful, and everyone loves each other, and no one ever gets sick. Do you think there's really a place like that?"
Data looks out the window to the moon: "Yes... I do."
This is what I think about when I imagine paradise. In many ways I emotionally grew up on the enterprise and voyager, and long to return.
[As Data takes a gulp, he squirms and cringes.]
Data: I believe this beverage has produced an emotional response.
Geordi: Really? What are you feeling?
Data: I am uncertain. Because I have had little experience with emotion, I am unable to... articulate the sensation.
Guinan: Emotion?
Geordi: I'll explain later.
[Data takes another gulp and reacts simularly]
Guinan: Well, it looks like he hates it.
Data: That is it, I hate this! It is revolting!
Guinan : More?
Data : Please!
I too enjoy not enjoying, the sensation is entertaining. Spice seasons life.
Data: We must say goodbye now.
Lal: I feel...
Data: What do you feel, Lal?
Lal: ...I love you, Father.
Data: [after a pause] I wish I could feel it with you.
Lal: I will feel it for both of us. Thank you for my life. Flirting... Laughter... Painting, family... Female... Human.
Even writing this, my eyes are full of tears.
Data's Wiki
Weebette is a minor character in Disney's Flubber. She only appeared at the end, as the daughter of Weebo, who unlike the latter, is very sarcastic around the humans, to the point of insulting Flubber. Weebette was voiced by the voice actress Julie Morrison.
Weebette was created from blueprints designed by Weebo. As such, she can be considered a streamlined version of her mother. She is mainly red with a similar LCD screen.
Unlike her mother, Weebette behaves like a teenage girl with a bad attitude.
She's very sarcastic around humans, though, he once referred Sara Jean Reynolds as mother, since she was made from Sara's husband, Philip Brainard, implying she refers him as father. Also, despite Flubber being friends with her father and late mother, Weebo, Weebette insults him, seeing him as a brother. -From Weebette Wiki
Personal sidekick robots have a special place in my heart, weebo was a true friend and the family continued with her new and improoved daughter. She has a realistic personality that will take some patience, but she also allows the professor to be two place at once, allowing him to focus on both love and purpose simultaniously.
I modeled her myself based on references from the film and auctions.
I improoved the design, removing visible screws and assymetrical features.
Models and references availible upon request.