① List your hopes, Purpose and Strategy and the Value and Reason. ② Every morning read that list to remember to act in sync with those words.
You can start your own reload in the 4th tab of life dashboard.
This is critical to success if you have a weak memory, fall back into your old ways, abandon resolutions, or want to do hard things despite of your body that wants to do easy things.
Reload is also known as, memorizing, training, rules for life, realigning, meditation, mantra, incantation, discipline, taking thoughts captive, confessing the truths, predesciding, preparing, renewing your mind...
When I wake up I am not a good person, not even a person, I'm just a blob who's only purpose is to go back to bed with all my energy and desire. Also when I am tempted at night all I can think about is that reward and my ultimate purpose is unreachable for comment.
You don't need to reload only in the morning, but you can remind yourself throught the day with timers, or use gps to reload what you need depending where you are, or make a shortcut on your phone to open it at a moment's notice whenever you are empty. Get strategic, get creative, don't let your weakness be an excuse.
What is your Patience Plan?
How will you respond to embarrassment?
Are you really loosing everything?
Sometimes life doesnt happen on our schedule nor wait for us to sleep on it, for this you will have wished you had preplanned for this.